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Why Partner with Rentazon

Simple: It’s a smart business move.

Rentazon is a solution-based tool for businesses to promote, track and earn income on any rentable assets they may own. As recent trends show, the increased cost of living has caused consumers aged 18-38 to gravitate towards online sharing platforms as a cheaper means of acquiring the goods and services they need. At Rentazon, we’ve taken the form of an online local rental marketplace for business-to-customer rentals as well as peer-to-peer sharing to fill the need in the market for a platform on which consumers could find and rent any item they could possibly require. The driving force behind our ability to offer such an in-demand service comes from you, our next business partner.

Who Should Partner With Rentazon?

Small rental business owners, large rental business owners, and basically anyone with any rentable assets in the near proximity are able to utilize our platform. These rentable assets can include anything from power tools, construction equipment, sports equipment, tables, chairs, party supplies and many more. As more and more millennial's and gen-Zero recognize the benefits of renting the world can change in a greener, more sustainable way. Rather than letting your valuable assets just sit in a garage, let them make money for you while you sit back and relax. Our platform allows for many rentable assets of all kinds, why not add your own to the mix and reap the benefits that come with online rentals.

What we offer

Tap into a New Revenue Stream

Enter the MyStore feature: As Rentazon is a digital platform that connects people looking to rent a particular item with someone they can rent it from, we now offer you an opportunity to market your own business. Find your home on our trustworthy, rental search platform that drives exposure, and has been seeing more and more engagement with each passing day. For those of you with a somewhat scarce social media presence, you can now tap into our rapidly growing, targeted audience of major renters aged 18-38.

Maximize your Visibility

No longer will you have to struggle to attract clientele, while your profitable assets sit there gathering dust. With Rentazon, your target clientele will be funneled directly to you. We situate you in the optimal position to connect with consumers looking to rent specifically from you, and you get to pocket the cash that rolls in with each rental. Rentazon offers a symbiotic business-to-business relationship that can only feed each other’s success in an ever-reinforcing loop. Plus, renting’s a lot greener than single-consumption!

Manage Your Day to Day

Once you’ve monetized your rental inventory, Rentazon offers business owners a simple online method to keep track of outbound rentals, requests and revenue. It’s organization without the hassle. Never lose track of your active clientele with everything you need in one convenient digital location.

Watch this video on how to avoid problems

Partnering with Rentazon could’t be easier. All you’ve got to do is register your membership with us, activate your MyStore account, snap and upload at least three (3) photos each of your rentable items to our site, then sit back, and watch the money roll in. We’ll connect you directly with someone in need of your rentable item. Tap in to our online rental sharing community and let your assets work for you! We’ve even created this short video to walk you through the process.

If you’ve still got questions about our terms or service, you can visit our FAQ page, or send an email us .