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As a company, Rentazon aims to make the idea of “renting” a common practice in today's society. The environmental impacts of overconsumption can be mitigated if an item is circulating the economy for longer, and injecting this into the zeitgeist is precisely what we are trying to achieve.


The Rentazon Team is made up of a multicultural group of individuals from many different backgrounds who bring with them various types of skills, talents and experiences in order to proudly design, develop and produce this very beneficial ever-evolving and expanding platform.


Rampant waste plagues our planet. Therefore we decided to come up with a community network of local sharers with the desire to focus on Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling through Renting.

Thus came Rentazon, with the hope to advance and improve the overall outlook of the renting phenomenon by creating trusted channels and simplifying renting.

Enter the “Rise of the Rentazonians”- a new group of people, a family, that are happy to share their items amongst each other within a centralized online rental community platform.

We envision Rentazon to become the optimized search engine for all rental items related, thus providing a POS CRM (Point-Of-Sale Customer Relationship Management) system for members to use in order to generate passive income in helping do their part in reducing waste.


Our landscape is undergoing a chaotic transformation. As the world's population increases, so does environmental pollution, along with mass consumption and rampant waste. We live in a society that encourages purchasing and consumption over environmental sustainability. Our planet is in a crisis, and if our behaviors do not change, we may soon find that the damage has become irreversible.

Our mission at Rentazon is to minimize our environmental impact and reduce our carbon footprint. The more we can save materials from being thrown into landfills, the better. Our localized rental community platform allows for a global online marketplace that caters to the more sustainable practice of sharing. Can Rentazon help to change human behavior? The more people who use our platform, the more we can move the “thought bubble” in the other direction. Less waste and less pollution equals a better environment, not just for us, but for future generations as well. How will you help?


Imagine a world where landfills are a thing of the past, where virtually every manufactured good either has an extra-extended shelf life with the plan to reduce, reuse or recycle it once it gets old. A world where every member of society was fully aware of their personal impact on air pollution, deforestation, ocean pollution and material waste generation. How much cleaner, fresher and more sustainable would that world be?

This is why we created the online community platform of Rentazon, for sharing items between each other towards a more sustainable world by Reducing, Reusing, Recycling, through Renting.


Courage - Being brave enough to take the crucial first steps in providing a platform to encourage environmental sustainability.

Honesty - Understanding that the resources of our planet are not infinite, and that we now must work to change our consumer mindset before it is too late.

Putting the Customer First - Our community platform is designed to make renting amongst each other simple, efficient and profitable.

A company is only as strong as its values. At Rentazon, we look to associate with brave and honest individuals, those who are willing to reach out a helping hand to our wounded world. We look for those who anticipate challenges and often put the customer first. We thrive on individuals who are smart and who think out of the box. We admire people who look to minimize their environmental impact, and who desire a society of education for all, that we may all work to protect the future of our planet.

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